Episode 510: WeftSide

Episode 510: WeftSide

This Blue Cast episode, Tuncay Kilickan talks with new brand WeftSide. 

WeftSide was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2024 by three friends with extensive experience in the global fashion and denim industry: Titti Andersson, Jon-Ivar Unsgaard and Johan Lindstedt. Weft Side is a premium brand committed to crafting denim: no more, no less. 

Our core belief is that genuine quality lasts beyond the temporary, bridging the gap between what was, what is, and what will be. That is why the foundation is three models and three colors, prioritizing seasonless durability and quality over a flood of options.

WeftSide ensure the highest quality by producing our denim with premium manufacturers in Tunisia and Italy during periods of low production intensity—standing for the pleasure of slowness in a fast paced world. 

WeftSide work is simple and minimal, and in the end, it’s the idea that stands out. Denim—no more, no less.  Always and (n)ever the same.

Weft Side is exclusively available through weftside.com.

Listen here.