Azgard-9 A Value Added Denim Producer
Azgard Nine Limited may have changed names a few times in the nearly 25 years it’s been in business, but one thing that hasn’t changed is its commitment to excellence in denim.
The fully integrated vertical denim mill headquartered in Lahore, Pakistan has a very clear vision: “To retain a leadership position as the largest value added denim products company in Pakistan.”
Azgard-9 has facilities for spinning, weaving, dyeing and stitching for the manufacture and sale of yarn, denim and denim products.
Since its origins in 1993, Azgard-9 has climbed the global ranks as a denim producer and now counts companies like G Star, Diesel and Gap among its clients.
Carved in Blue spent some time with Azgard’s CEO Ahmed Humayun Shaikh to learn a little bit more about the company and everything they have to offer.
Carved in Blue: Where does the name Azgard come from?
Ahmed: In early days it was renowned as Nafees Denim which turned as Legler Nafees Denim after merger with Legler of Italy. Then there was a time when this merger was not going good, so company decided to come-up with a new identity, at that time Ahmed Humayun Shaikh’s younger brother Ahmedan proposed the name “Azgard-9” since he had knowledge on many areas including mythologies. He proposed Asgard, which was already taken so he had to replace “S” with “Z.” It is of Greek mythology and according to Norse Religion Asgard is one of the nine worlds and home to the tribe of their mythological gods, and is surrounded by an incomplete wall, which is also reflected in Azgard-9’s logo. The 9 was added to get the name registered but it had many coincidences during and after brain storming session as there were 9 persons in the session, it was February 9th, family members were also 9, a baby was born on March 9th, Humayun Sb’s mother passed away on May 27th (2+7=9) and his father on May 9th. In Greek mythology 9 represented gestation and fulfillment of creation, while in Chinese culture it represents change and transformation.
Azgard-9 became a global entity by 9 members on February 9th.
Carved in Blue: Give us a brief overview of Azgard.
Ahmed: Azgard-9 is a vertical textile setup with three business units. We have a spinning business unit (OE & Ring), a denim business unit for weaving (denim, selvedge denim and PFGD), and a garment business unit (fully equipped to undertake cutting, stitching, washing and finishing of denim garments)
Azgard Nine Limited was incorporated on January 20, 1993 and listed in the Pakistan Stock Exchange, having global footprint all around the world, supplying its products for various world famous brands and labels like: Zara, Bershka, G-Star, Diesel, Old Navy, GAP, Tom Tailor, Mango, Matlan, Dr. Denim, Mustang, F&S, New Yorker, Blend, Gina Tricot, Next, Firetrap and Debenhams, among others.
The company has three production units in Pakistan, one in Lahore, one in Muzaffargarh and another in Kasur.
Carved in Blue: What is your weaving volume?
Ahmed: Our denim business unit can produce 3.5 million meters per month and our garment business unit produces 0.7 million pieces per month.
Carved in Blue: What manufacturing equipment do you have?
Ahmed: We have quite a lot of machinery at Azgard-9. For our denim business unit, we have six ball warping machines, two rope dyeing machines, 28 re-beamers, three sizing machines, 187 weaving looms, we have finishing ranges for mercerizing, sanforizing and singing, plus we have stenters and a pad steam. We also have 18 inspection frames and packing machinery from Italy.
Carved in Blue: What sustainability programs do you have in place?
Ahmed: We have effective and operational waste water treatment plant and our certifications include: ISO-9001:2008 Quality Management System, ISO-14001:2004 Environmental Management System, SA-8000:2008 Social Accountability, SEDEX Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange, GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard, OCS Organic Content Standard, Oeko-Tex100 (Fabrics) Tested for Harmful Substances, Oeko-Tex100 (Garments) Tested for Harmful Substances, Better Cotton Initiative Membership, OHSAS 18001:2007 (In Process) GRS Global Recycle Standard (In process).
Carved in Blue: What innovative ways do you use Lenzing Modal® and TENCEL® branded lyocell fibers?
Ahmed: We do use all these and some more fibers as well in our ongoing developments, since innovation is a never-ending process, so we keep trying new ideas.
Carved in Blue: What regions are you exporting to and how much of your business goes to each?
Ahmed: We export most of our product to Bangladesh, which gets 60 percent, then Turkey with 20 percent, Pakistan 10 percent, Europe 5 percent and the rest of Asia and the United Arab Emirates 5 percent. Eventually fabric is being supplied for global brands hence garments are exported to U.K., USA and Europe mostly.
Carved in Blue: What trade shows do you exhibit?
Ahmed: Azgard-9 exhibits at Denim Premiere Vision, Intertextile Shanghai, Munich Fabric Start, BPD Expo in New York, Denim & Jeans in Vietnam and Denim Expo in Bangladesh.
Carved in Blue: When does a jean stop being a jean?
Ahmed: Jeans are meant to be washed rarely, so if washed regularly, they tend to not be jeans anymore.
Carved in Blue: What is the worst trend you’ve seen in denim?
Ahmed: Nothing can be labeled “worst.” Good, bad are labels given on individual tastes and preferences.
Carved in Blue: What is your favorite denim city?
Ahmed: Amsterdam.
Carved in Blue: Which item of denim have you had the longest?
Ahmed: Garments from Dors in the late 70s and early 80s.
Carved in Blue: What does “Carved in Blue” mean to you?
Ahmed: I see Carved in Blue as an opportunity to join the group of sustainable makers and get educated on new innovations.