Episode 211: Laundry is in His Genes

Episode 211: Laundry is in His Genes

This Blue Cast episode, Michael Kininmonth talks with Enrique Silla, Jeanologia co-founder.

In the 25 years since he co-founded Valencia, Spain’s Jeanologia with his uncle, José Vidal, Enrique Silla has worked tirelessly to bring technology into the denim industry for the sake of a finished product that doesn’t wreak quite so much havoc on the environment.

Silla described the new generation coming into the industry as “tech-artisans” who care equally about the craft of creating denim as they do about how the technological innovation can advance the product. “By combining authenticity and technology, we will go one step further in forging the denim artisan of the future,” Silla said. “From now on, vintage and technology will be linked forever.”

Listen here.