ISKO I-SKOOL™ Launching its New Denim Design Award
GENDERFUL is the fresh and provocative creative theme aiming to foresee the coolest future trends of fashion. And the best is yet to come: waiting for the partners’ disclosure, discover the news of the talent contest conceived by ISKO™ and its style division CREATIVE ROOM™.
“We are proud to announce that the fourth edition of ISKO I-SKOOL™ is ready to go, now with its Denim Design Award new path. We are excited to give shape once again to the future of fashion, thanks to the outstanding talent of the students involved”, claims enthusiastically Marco Lucietti, Global Marketing Director at SANKO/ISKO™ division.
ISKO I-SKOOL™ the competition created by ISKO™, global leader in denim production and in textile innovation, along with CREATIVE ROOM™, its Italian style and design think-thank, will confirm for the fourth year in a row its global potential in the education and specialization of young talents, again with its two main application fields: on one hand the Denim Design Award, launching now and dedicated to fashion students, and on the other the Denim Marketing Award, organized for marketing students. Once again, the most talented students on a global scale will have the outstanding opportunity to access the one-of-a-kind fashion network and professional expertise made available by the ISKO I-SKOOL™ project, with the possibility to be awarded with prestigious internships and mentions within the industry and beyond.
The partners of the educational project.
As in the previous thrilling editions, ISKO I-SKOOL™ has piqued the invaluable support of many key players of the denim value chain. Archroma and Lenzing will be the Gold partners of the current edition and will give their contribution to the project together with the Silver Partners Itema and Reca Group and the Supporting Partners haikure, Swarovski, Replay, Jacob Cohen, Liu Jo, 7 For All Mankind, Capsule, Betabrand, ISKOTECA™, C&S, Tonello and Menabò Group.
Denim Design Award: discovering the partnering Schools.
The absolutely prestigious institutions that have already confirmed their participation to the Denim Design Award are:
– POLIMODA (Florence, Italy);
– NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (Milan, Italy);
– IUAV – Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (Venice, Italy);
– Accademia Costume&Moda (Rome, Italy);
– UAL – Chelsea College of Arts (Chelsea, UK);
– AMD – Akademie Mode & Design (Düsseldorf and Münich, Germany);
– AALTO University – School of Art, Design and Architecture (Helsinki, Finland);
– AMFI – Amsterdam Fashion Institute (Amsterdam, Netherlands);
– FIDM – Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (Los Angeles, USA);
– The New School – Parsons (New York, USA);
– Colegiatura Colombiana (Medellìn, Colombia);
– Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (Beijing, China);
– Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University (Beijing, China);
– Donghua University (Shanghai, China);
– Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, China);
– BUNKA Fashion college (Tokyo, Japan);
– UTS – University of Technology Sydney (Sydney, Australia).
Candidacies of independent students:
– The novelty of this year is the involvement of Independent design Students, that had the possibility to apply for the Denim Design Award directly from the official website of the competition (www.iskooldenim.com/join).
– “Innovation in fashion means cross-fertilization, mutual influence and open-mindedness by definition and this is the natural and logical evolution of our competition. We are happy to give this chance to a selection of more talented students in the world, if possible”, confirms Lucietti. GENDERFUL, the new Creative Theme.
– During the fourth edition of the ISKO I-SKOOL™ Denim Design Award, students will prove themselves around GENDERFUL, a celebration of the new and inclusive ways to conceive the multiplicity of models of self expression, that are now overtaking normative gender categories for a promotion of new and evolving forms of identity.
– Young designers are asked to design one outfit for each of two different creative directions choosing the season they prefer:
– From unisex to multisex: the challenge calls for the creation of garments that are perfectly suitable for both contemporary men and women in order to create a new gender category, multisex, to include all the multitudinous set of identities that are drawing the new face of modern society.
– Identity beyond gender: the globalized spirit of the world allows us to transcend stereotypical boundaries of race, nationality, class or age. For this reason competitors will conceive outfits able to create a totally new imagine of ourselves, a reflection of the flexibility of the traditional cultural and biological boundaries.
“GENDERFUL will be a must-have topic for the future: we believe in cross-fertilization as a way to anticipate trends and revolutionize style and fashion”, explains Lucietti.
“This is just the beginning of the fourth edition of ISKO I-SKOOL™: stay tuned to get to know the partners of the most surprising denim talent contest ever”, concludes.