Lenzing Looks Took the Stage at the Hong Kong Design Institute Fashion Show

Hong Kong Design Institute’s mission is to nurture the next generation of design talent, and the fruits of this effort were on display this week.
On July 9, HKDI hosted the fashion show New Fashion Force 2024, featuring the work of students from two programs: HD in Fashion Design and BA (Hons) Fashion—jointly offered by Nottingham Trent University and SHAPE. Thirty-two talented students reached the final and were able to present their creative works on stage.
Each student presented a collection with four outfits in different themes. There were brilliant concepts and designs from knits to wovens, including denim looks. The student designers mixed and matched different materials and techniques to showcase their unique style.
As usual, Lenzing Group collaborated with HKDI to provide mentorship training, workshop and seminars to the students during their coursework. We educated the new generation of young designers on sustainable concepts and also supported them with textile materials. This year, 30 percent of the students designed outfits containing TENCEL™ or LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers for the final show.
Lenzing also had the pleasure of sponsoring The Best Sustainability Award at the event, and our director of global technical marketing and development Rex Mok served on the panel of judges of the competition. The students were fighting for 14 awards this year, which were sponsored by industrial partners including The Mills Fabrica, Advance Denim, Fenix Group, Consinee Group, Brother International and Target Corporation, among others.

Click through the slideshow to see photos from the event.