Sourcing Journal’s Sustaining Voices Amplifies Environmentally Responsible Progress
Sourcing Journal, the premier online trade publication for apparel and textile executives, has launched Sustaining Voices, a yearlong web series that honors the latest innovations, products, companies and initiatives driving forward a greener apparel industry. The program, which was developed in collaboration with Cotton Incorporated, grew out of a desire to support, encourage and recognize the industry’s hard-fought-for gains in this area.
“Our goal with Sustaining Voices is to create a platform that celebrates the industry’s accomplishments and inspires all stakeholders to continue to move fashion toward a sustainable future. We look forward to jumpstarting important conversations around how we, as an industry, can turn intent into action on a broad scale with real results,” said Edward Hertzman, founder and president of Sourcing Journal Media. “We know progress comes through collaboration, and we’re honored to have Cotton Incorporated as a partner in this mission. The organization continues to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability from farm to finished goods.”
See the full list of inaugural honorees, including Lenzing, here, and then visit SustainingVoices.com to explore honoree profiles, feature articles and podcasts.