Thoughtful Innovation: The Path to Sustainability
The idea of innovation can seem daunting. Even the word innovation is often overused and misused. Everyone wants that earth-shattering invention that totally changes the world in a blink of an eye. However disruptive innovation rarely emerges from an “aha!” moment. Instead, they usually arise from thinking differently than we normally think and from learning. Creating a “big new idea” for your business requires innovative thinking, and innovative thinking requires the right kind of organizational environment. That is why innovation is so hard.
But meaningful innovation is mandatory. It’s necessary to survive, to respond to the changes we see in the market, in the environment, in society. If well and thoughtfully done, it is not only change, but it is also a driver of growth. What does it take to successfully innovate? It takes viable ideas and people who will champion those ideas every day. These idea-heroes need to understand how to bring an idea to life through an existing or new organization and they must have the resilience to overcome the many barriers that will be put in their way. After all, companies don’t innovate. People do.
See the full article by Tricia Carey on Sourcing Journal