Trend: The Softer Side of Men’s Denim
There’s so much to say about what’s happening in men’s denim, we’re doing this story as a two-part piece. Stay tuned for Part II looking at what’s ahead for men’s denim to follow.
Soft may have been a descriptor reserved more for womenswear in the past, but with men looking for greater comfort in what they don, softness is making a major appearance in gear for guys.
In men’s denim, the trend toward softness has been even more apparent—which some attribute to the boom in athleisure and the craving for comfort that came with it.
But Gulfem Santo, marketing team leader at Turkish denim mill Orta Anadolu, thinks otherwise.
“We believe that this trend has started even before athleisure,” Santo said. “The 45+ age group in the men’s fashion world tends to seek comfort in every layer of their clothing, and younger age groups dress to look more fashionable. However, there is a twist even on that perception as collections become more genderless, seasonless and ageless.”
Jack Mathews, director of sales and marketing for Artistic Denim Mills said the trend toward softer denim may have something to do with athleisure, but it goes beyond that.
“What men want out of their jeans is function, style and comfort. Comfort and function are key elements brands are focusing on to differentiate their jeans,” Mathews said. “The dramatic increase in stretch denim in men’s at all price points is a clear sign that guys want a comfortable fitting jean. I don’t see that changing.”
To get that softness—plus the function, style and comfort—the male consumer seeks, mills and brands are turning to TENCEL®.
“All of our TENCEL® fabrics incorporate stretch technology,” Mathews said. “TENCEL® or ProModal® are ideal fibers to blend with cotton to develop denim fabrics for the male consumer that enhance comfort and function.”
It’s the improvement in hand that has made TENCEL® a tool for giving men the jeans they want.
“For men’s it’s important that it not be too soft, just enough to give it a differentiated hand feel,” Mathews said. “Blending TENCEL® with cotton creates a jean that has better moisture management properties, which increases comfort.”
Rich Costa, director of sales at Los Angeles-based denim mill Twin Dragon, thinks the trend toward more comfort in men’s denim is less about piggybacking off of athleisure and more about brands paying attention to consumer demands.
“I believe brands are listening to their customers who are saying they want a better jean that is softer, while at the same time retaining its jean characteristics,” Costa said. “The TENCEL® adds softness and a dressier weekend look.”
Twin Dragon uses TENCEL® in its men’s denim to provide an added value to premium denim in the market and reach brands that may not look to them for better denim. And so far brands are pleased with the product.
“They really like it and are asking for more,” Costa said. “Add the fact that stores are making bigger buys on it, which means the customer is reacting to it as well in store.”